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Transparency in Health Coverage
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Hauppauge, NY 11788
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- AC Pads, Pans & Brackets
- Access Fittings and Service Valves
- Batteries
- Cable Cutters
- Capacitor Testers
- Chemicals
- Circuit Breakers
- Compressor Terminal repair
- Condensate Products
- Conduit
- Cords
- Duct Straps, Hangers and Hooks
- Easy Heat
- Electrical Fittings
- Equipment Stands
- Flash Lights
- Fuses
- Hand Tools
- Hardware
- Highside Chemicals
- Hose Clamps
- Hoses & Sprayers
- Leads
- Leak Detector's
- Line Set Covers
- Maintenance Products
- Multi-Meters
- Outlet Boxes
- Plumbing Products
- PolarPans
- PVC Cements / Cleaners
- PVC Fittings & Traps
- Rods, Struts & Accessories
- Roof Top Support
- Rope Tie Downs & Tarp
- Safety Products
The Department of Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury issued rules requiring Employers to disclose certain health information cost on their public facing website so that researchers can analyze the data. These machine readable files are provided in a standardized format and provide monthly updates.
The files can be found on the following Link: https://www.cigna.com/legal/compliance/machine-readable-files